Winnamocka’s huge pioneer fort that is home for campers and retreat groups alike. This fort is surrounded by 16 foot walls with enormous gates to keep out any unwanted attackers (such as Blackbeard the Pirate). All the cabins in Fort Jackson are air-conditioned, and each has its own private bath. Davy Crockett would be surprised!
In Jackson’s Trading Company campers and guests can find all of their Trading Company needs such as camp t-shirts, shorts, canteens, Indian bracelets, and even coonskin caps!
Overnight in Fort Jackson: $200.00 per room/blockhouse
Each room in Fort Jackson sleeps 10-16 and has private baths in each room. Depending on the size of the group you can figure about $15-25 per person.
(We only encourage & allow max. number of guests per cabin = max. number of beds in each cabin.)